Hey everyone!
Thanksgiving sounds crazy back home! Glad everyone's having
fun down in AZ!
My Thanksgiving was SO fun. Honestly, I wasn't super excited
for Thanksgiving, because everyone I talked to made it sound like holidays are
the WORST on a mission. But I loved Thanksgiving! :) The district and I had 3
square meals with various members. (we originally had like 5, but people
canceled) So we started off by having
breakfast with the Dzib Family, who are soooooo cool. They made some high
quality eggs, pancakes, sausage, orange juice... All that good stuff. Plus
their just a very friendly, nice, caring family! Then we went to the Melara
family and had chorizo and hashbrowns, which is pretty good too. (chorizo is
some kind of spicy mystery meat and it was mixed with eggs. it's pretty bomb.)
They are both from other countries, and don't usually celebrate Thanksgiving, so
this was mainly all just for our benefit. :) And then we went to HERMANA BETTY for Thanksgiving dinner! She went all out.... She invited family over, and some
returned missionaries that used to serve in San Fran, and some of her friends,
and ward members. She made Turkey and Sweet potatoes and the whole sha-bang.
It was pretty fun.
And we had permission to stay late because it was a holiday
and there were non members there. So we stayed over for the rest of the night
playing Cranium with some other english speaking college students/ex
missionaries and family. And it was almost like a big party. Except then we had
to give a thought of course. :) So it was fun.
Side note: Black friday gets pretty intense here. Apparently
people wait outside of stores and then mug people who just bought stuff. it
apparently gets pretty bad. So we were supposed to avoid a lot of the busy
areas. (we didn't see anything, or even hear of anything happening at all.)
Love you!
Elder Webster
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