Transfer calls are in!
I'm staying in Oakland for six more weeks with Elder
Castleberry! No big changes really.
Just a little interesting tid bit: He was my first companion
last year, and I'll be his last companion this year! :) He goes back home to
Spanish Fork at the end of this next 6 weeks.
This last week, we beat our record of lessons taught
together! We taught 15 in one week!! I know it's different in every mission,
and some people probably think it's pretty pathetic to get anything less than
like 30 a week. But here in my mission, 15 in a week is pretty solid... It's
been a great week for us!
Yesterday I got to conduct this month's "Porque Yo
Creo"! Last month, I was the translator, but this month we switched and I
got to conduct the meeting while Elder Castleberry translated for me. (Which
means, I stand at the pulpit and speak Spanish while he sits in the back corner
and speaks English into a little headset.)
It went really well! Toward the end, our mission president got up and
shared his (English) testimony and asked me to "live translate" it
for him (which means I was basically the "parrot" to his "pirate".
repeating everything he says one sentence at a time.)
Good times.
I filled up my memory card with pictures this week. I might
be persuaded to send it home soon. I have a spare, so I'll probably send the
last one home and start a new one.
PS. Thanks for the letters and gift cards! :) I love getting
them. I haven't been writing back very well, but y'all are da best. thanks!
I don't know if I ever mentioned this or not, but our
new(ish) president made us a new rule where we can only listen to Mormon Tabernacle
Choir/ Conference talks. Which at first was kinda hard, because I only have
like 10 songs from them on my flash drive, so i had to put it on repeat... but
Now I kinda like it. It really helps you to feel the spirit. :)
do it.
just kidding.
Thanks again for ALL THINGS.
Love you!
THE OAKLAND ZONE! (morning sportz)
The most "oddball" companionship in the mission.
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