Monday, February 9, 2015

Birthday/Transfer Call

First off, sorry for writing on a Tuesday. We got our transfer calls yesterday, and we spent the day packing and helping other people pack #ZoneLeaderLife. But we got permission from President to write today instead.

Thanks a lot for the Birthday wishes and letters and packages! I love those Visa Gift Cards, their the best. :) I actually spent most of it already by buying a GPS! :) Which I really needed. So thanks a ton. And that Razor is fantastic too. Thanks mom and dad! My Birthday was pretty average. Elder Runco had to finish up his paper work so that he doesn't get deported. and then we went to Sister Munoz's house for a Birthday dinner! she was really sweet about it. :) And Elder Runco and Elder Ah Hoy secretly had people buy me balloons and a cake, and they through me my own little private party in the apartment.

So! Transfer Calls!!! I'm staying here in Richmond, but I'm getting a new companion. His name is Elder Muniz-Dubon. He's been out for a couple months, but I've met him before, and he's doing great. I'll be senior companion for the first time. Should be good times.
President also assigned me to be the new District Leader! For those of you that don't know, A mission is divided into zones, and each zone is divided into Districts. In my District, there are 6 members. And so now I'm the one that organizes and conducts district meetings, and oversees this part of the mission.
Honestly, I don't really know how to do that yet. But I asked Elder Ah Hoy for a blessing, and it said that as the Lord trusts me with this new role, it should be an opportunity for me to develop my trust in Him. So I'm not scared. I'm just going to do my best and trust that whatever happens, the Lords got my back. :)

The Zone Leaders got changed around too. Elder Runco is leaving to be the Zone Leader in San Leandro, and Elder Castleberry got called to replace him! WHICH IS AWESOME! Elder Castleberry was my first companion/trainer, and we are basically best friends. He was my first District Leader, and now I'm his District Leader. haha

This week, we were coming back from service with some English speaking elders, and one of the members made us this weird French stew, and my stomach hated it. We were driving back to our house when I lost it and puked out the car window. :( We had to stop at the chapel to clean it up a little bit. (so gross.) and when we got there, the door was left open and the glass window to the Family History Building had been broken into and the computers had been stolen. It was crazy. We called the cops and had to stay with them while they were finger printing and taking pictures and stuff, and then it occurred to me that it was a blessing that I got sick from the stew. If I hadn't, we wouldn't have found the crime scene when we did, and we wouldn't have been able to lock up the church properly, and who knows what else could've happened. The Lord works in mysterious ways.

Any ways, Love you all! This letter was a little long, but I hoped you could read all of it! This last transfer was both the TOUGHEST and the BEST transfer so far. Unfortunately, I won't be working with Beto or Nayeli or Jenny or Jimena anymore because they're not in my area anymore. So this next week, we'll be working hard to FIND FIND FIND. Keep us in your prayers!

Elder Webster

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