Saturday, August 30, 2014

All Good in the Hood

First off: the earthquake. Don't you worry, I'm fine. I slept right through it, and nothing happened to anyone I know. My picture frames on my desk didn't even fall over. My companion woke up for it, but he said it felt like when you pull up to a red light, and you rock forward in your seat a little bit. Seriously, we're good.

As far as the work goes, I've gotten to teach about 8 lessons last week, but all of them have been with less active members, and we're just trying to get them to come back to church and stuff. So no new investigators yet... But it's been super humbling seeing how so many people are living. Even in San Francisco. I've been in apartments that are smaller than my bathroom back home. and it's just packed with junk. and it only has room for like, a bed. So everything they own is piled on the foot of the bed, and they must just sleep curled up in a little ball or something. But they're always smiling. It's a really humbling experience for sure.

But since we haven't really had any new investigators, I have actually been kind of discouraged this past week. It's just hard walking miles to try to visit somebody, and then having them yell at you that they're not interested, and then having to walk miles back home... :/ that happened like 3 times.

Other than that, All is well. We are trying to set up lessons with a girl named Mila, Betty's sister. And I should have to teach an English lesson to spanish speakers pretty soon. So I'll let you know about that.

Love you all! Oh, and PS, some of you were asking, and my mission home address is
4945 Lincoln Way
Oakland, California

Thanks! Elder Webster

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