Friday, September 25, 2015

Exchange Week


So. I have a little more time this week, so let me fill a few of the holes I left out last week.

The sweet Zone Activity was called "The Amazing Race". And we split the zone into groups and had a big race to finish a list of objectives. You had to collect certain objects, and take pictures next to things, and do things like "Reenact Samuel the Lamanite" and we were aloud to run around anywhere in Berkeley. It was super fun because everyone got into it!! You'd be in the middle of taking a picture next to a hipster and see an opposing group taking a picture of themselves planking on random objects. It was such a blast. :)

Upcoming Baptismal dates:
Kevin Rojas - 8 year old son of a part member/less active family -October 4
Beto Nunez - Recovering meth addict, brother of our recent convert - October 17
Ricardo Rodriguez - 24 year old boyfriend of some members of our ward - October 17
Cezar Martinez -  boyfriend of our other recent convert - October 17

We're super excited but still need to help them gain the motivation to take the step!


EXCHANGE 1: Elder Atkinson - Assistant Exchange
So succesful. We were doing so much. We had one lesson with a guy named Alex, and he has slight Autism, but not too bad. ANYWAY! mid lesson, he just stopped our discussion and looked at me and said: "Are you a geek or a nerd?"
hahahaha It was so funny! He explained to me the difference, and we decided that I'm a nerd! :) haha he's such a funny guy. We also taught a guy who debated with us for like 20 minutes why the word "Mormon" is bigger than "Jesus Chirst" on the front of the Book of Mormon.

EXCHANGE 2: Elder Marcello - Chinese Program
We seriously spend like 3 hours talking to people in the streets in the rain. He had to do most of the hard work, because we were in china town and I only know like 2 sentences in Chinese. But I would go up and say hi to everyone and if they didn't speak English, I'd juts be like "My friend speaks Chinese and has something to tell to!" in my gringo Chinese. haha Good times.

EXCHANGE 3: Elder Runco - My District Leader
He is such a spiritual example to me. He relies on prayer for everything, and he helped me feel the spirit even when we were doing things like exercising. Seriously, it felt like every choice we made throughout the day was directly related to helping be more effective or productive. Super good day.

Last thing:
We had Stake Conference this week and we ended up translating it for them.. I've decided that I don't get as much out of church meetings when I'm translating. I end up focusing too much on the language and not enough on the content (which is the best part). But a good meeting nonetheless!

Love you all!

Thanks for things! :)

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